2025 Lenten Bible study
Introduction and purpose
Words To Live By
Lent is a season of 40 days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and leads up to Easter. It is a time of REPENTANCE, PRAYER and some PREPARATION where some followers of Jesus choose to FAST or give up something they enjoy to better focus that time, energy or money on God.
Others choose to take on a new habit or discipline that helps them grow in their faith. Whether you choose to give something up, start something new, or both, our prayer is that we will all GROW IN OUR FAITH together during this season of Lent, as we intentionally take time for reflection and self-examination.
One way this is accomplished is through intentional time spent in the WORD OF GOD. Our Lenten Sermon Series this year will focus on the SIX PARABLES recorded in the Gospel of Matthew that Jesus taught during the week leading up to His crucifixion. Additionally, this Lenten Bible study, written by your three pastors, will be taking a closer look at many of the other parables Jesus taught.
Over the next few weeks we will come to better understand what a parable is, why Jesus taught with parables, and why His parables are WORDS TO LIVE BY.
We encourage you to go through this study at YOUR OWN PACE. No need to rush. Each week will have less readings then there are days. So if you miss a day, now worries, you will have time to catch up. Take your time and invite the HOLY SPIRIT to do a work in you and through you as we go through this study together.
Rev. Josh Coats - Pastor of Discipleship
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