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2024 Lenten Bible study

Introduction and purpose

Words From The Cross



Lent is a season of 40 days, not counting Sundays,
which begins on Ash Wednesday and leads up to
Easter. It is a time of REPENTANCE, PRAYER and
PREPARATION where some followers of Jesus
choose to FAST or give up something they enjoy
or enjoy doing for the 40 days of Lent, to better
focus that time, energy or money on God. Others
choose to take up something new that helps them
grow in their faith and reorient their lives towards
God. Whether you choose to give something up,
start something new, or both, our prayer is that
we will all GROW IN OUR FAITH together during
this season of Lent, as we intentionally take time
for reflection and self-examination.


One way this is accomplished is through
intentional time spent in the WORD OF GOD. Our
Lenten study this year will be on what
Words From the Cross 
has traditionally been called the

phrases taken from the four gospels were
the words Jesus spoke from the cross as He was
dying on Good Friday. Though these words are
few, they provide a way to understand what is
ultimately important to Jesus and they reflect the
same tenderness, compassion, forgiveness and
unconditional love that defined His life.


We encourage you to go through this study at
YOUR OWN PACE. Rather than there being daily
readings and reflection questions, this study will
look at each of these seven phrases one week at a
time. Feel free to spend a few minutes each day
on these phrases or an extended amount of time
one day a week. Additionally, we will look at
these phrases in more depth on Wednesday
nights at MIDWEEK and at our Good Friday
service on March 29.



Rev. Josh Coats - Pastor of Discipleship



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